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Gladstone Suns AFL
Gladstone Suns AFC Complaint Form

The Gladstone Suns AFC is resolute in providing a safe and inclusive environment for all players, coaching staff, umpires and members. Any witnessed deviation from our code of conduct needs to be brought to the Gladstone Suns AFC Executive Committee attention as soon as possible, either by directly approaching our Coaching Staff, Football Department, Executive Committee or by filling out this form. Any information we gather through this complaint form will be used for complaint handling and will not be used for any other purpose.

We will not disclose any confidential information or your personal details without first obtaining your consent unless the information is required by legislation to be provided to regulatory agencies.
(Eg: police, child protection agencies, AFL Integrity Unit, etc).

You are not required to provide any of your personal information to make a complaint. However, if you do not provide details we may not be able to investigate your complaint. Additionally, if you do not supply a contact method, we will not be able to supply you with a response.

Do you want to be contacted about this complaint?

Thank you for submitting this form. This has been sent directly to our Executive Committee for confidential processing. If your complaint is resolved after lodgement of this form, please advise us as soon as possible.

If your complaint is resolved soon after lodgement, and not because of this form, please advise a member of the Gladstone Suns AFC Executive Committee as soon as possible.

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